We look at the property from an investment angle and outline factors which are important for Banks and Lending Institutions.
We study the performance of the destination to assess future potential and market threats.
We carefully analyse competitors’ physical characteristics and performance to assess market penetration and provides insights on performance beyond room revenues.
We carefully analyse several years of historical P&Ls to understand how business is run and operations performed. This also allows us to provide you with areas of improvement through our Asset Management service
We use our knowledge of your asset and of the industry to forecast P&Ls as per the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (Revised 13th Edition). Each line clearly presents assumptions and departure from historical performances to make sure any reader would understand every step of the process.
Our Market Values are fully compliant with the required RICS standards using Profit Method, Sales Comparables and Depreciated Replacement Cost methods.
We carefully estimate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for the entire development both unleveraged and leveraged. We offer a risk analysis with mitigation factors and recommendations to help you achieving the success you are expecting.